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Regular Payment of E-invoice

Entrust your bill payment to Citadele!

Connect the e-invoice regular payment service (ERRA) and the bank will pay your bills by making transfers from your account.

  1. Connect to your Online bank.
  2. Open section ‘Payments’ > E-invoice regular payment.
  3. Choose ‘Create an order for E-invoice regular payment’.
  4. Choose a service provider from the list. If you cannot find a particular service provider in the list, that company does not offer E-invoices. In this case, you may use the Regular Payment service offered by the bank or pay the bill yourself in Online Bank.
  5. Enter the requested information and save them by confirming with a code from your autorisation device.

From now on, you do not have to worry about timely payment of this bill!

If you do not use Citadele Online bank, you may apply for this service at any Citadele branch. You may also use the portal of JSC Unifiedpost, the company that maintains the ERRA infrastructure. You may also view your bills or cancel payments in the JSC Unifiedpost portal.

form-fill Terms of Regular Payment of E-invoices

Apply for E-invoice regular payment in Online bank


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