Payment ring

Payment ring is available to C card users.


Super-fast payments

Beep and go!


Secure payments

Confirm larger sums using your PIN code.


Nothing else needed

Leave your wallet and your phone at home.


Payment ring for 0 points

Maksājuma gredzeni

The right time to order a payment ring! Get it for 0 C REWARDS points with code Citadelering. Offer valid only from 12.08 to 19.09.2024. To use the code you must authorize in your C REWARDS profile before ordering. The availability of ring sizes and colours is limited. We also kindly remind you about monthly fee of the ring - 3 EUR per month.


How to pay with a ring?

  • To pay, bring your hand, closed in a fist, near the payment terminal.
  • The payment ring works just the same as your payment card: with contactless functionality.
  • To confirm payments above 50 EUR, you will have to enter your ring’s PIN code.

  • Create a PIN code for your ring in the Citadele mobile app. You will need this to confirm payments over 50 EUR.
  • You can also use the app to change your PIN if you have forgotten your existing one.
  • Oversee your expenditures and payment history.
  • Manage your ring settings—block and unblock your ring.
  • The payment ring is made of hard wearing ceramic material which protects it from scratches and damage.
  • The ring coating is waterproof: play sports, wash your hands and swim without worrying.

  • If you got the ring in a branch, it's already been activated and you don't have to do anything about it.
hand holding coffee cup and has ring on finger

Don’t have C card yet?

Select the one most suitable card for you and start enjoying the wide range of benefits.

  • Free transfers within Latvia and Europe.
  • Free cash withdrawals from ATMs worldwide.
  • Extensive insurance coverage for travels and purchases.
  • Option of adding a credit limit up to 15 000 EUR.
  • C REWARDS discounts and prizes.
More about the cards

More opportunities


C supreme and C prime

Always available additional funding, extensive travel and purchase insurance and discounts both in Latvia and abroad.
Find out more

Consumer loan

Financing of up to 20 000 EUR to help with your plans. With no deposit, collateral and security.
Find out more

Mobile app

Use the bank’s services at a time and place convenient to you. Confirm payments using your face or fingerprint.
Find out more
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