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Contribution accounts and payment details for pension plans


AS „CBL Atklātais pensiju fonds”

Reg. No. LV40003397312

Swift code: PARXLV22

Recipient's bank: AS Citadele Banka

Pension plan account numbers:

  • Pension plan CBL Sabalansētais (for contributions in EUR)
    account No. LV86PARX0000299400003;
  • Pension plan CBL Aktīvais (for contributions in EUR)
    account No. LV46PARX0000299401014;
  • Pension plan CBL Aktīvais USD (for contributions in USD)
    account No. LV32PARX0000299400005;
  • Pension plan CBL Indeksu (for contributions in EUR)
    account No. LV04PARX0000299400024;

Contributions must be made in the currency of the plan.
The payment order must specify the contract number, name, surname and personal identification number.

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