
Effective since 01.03.2023

Payments for private individuals
Service Fee
Electronically In branch
Payments to own account within Citadele group Free of charge 10 EUR
Payment to another account within Citadele group Free of charge 10 EUR
Standard EUR payments within the EU (SEPA, SEPA Instant payments) Free of charge 10 EUR
Non-SEPA incoming transfers with commission type BEN and SHA 10 EUR Not offered
Payments outside SEPA in any currency1 75 EUR Not offered
Urgent payments outside SEPA in any currency1 100 EUR Not offered
Payments for business customers
Service Fee
Payments between own account within Citadele group Free of charge
Payment to another customer's account within Citadele group 5 EUR
Standard EUR payments within the EU (SEPA, SEPA Instant payments) 10 EUR
Non-SEPA incoming transfers with commission type BEN and SHA 10 EUR
Payments outside SEPA in any currency1 75 EUR
Urgent payments outside SEPA in any currency1 100 EUR
Other payment services
Service Fee
Electronically In branch
Investigation, amendment of payment or sending of cancellation’s request 100 EUR + actual costs
Regular payment service or e-invoice regular payment service implementation/agreement amendment Free of charge 10 EUR
Additional fee for processing payment made from / to countries with sanction risk of and/or countries where payment processing requires enhanced due diligence2 150 EUR