Citadele Leasing and Citadele Factoring unified price list

Effective since 29.07.2024

Leasing Price1
Review of application free of charge
Preparation of documents for a leasing/rental transaction 1.50% - 1.85%2 of the purchase price of the object, but not less than EUR 150
Preparation of documents for refinancing liabilities in another financial institution as agreed
Renewal of agreement on client’s initiative3 EUR 90
Amendments to the agreement
Preparation of amendments to the agreement, payment schedule and other documents EUR 75
Cancellation of documents and amendments to the agreement, prepared on the basis of the client's application EUR 35
Other Services
Preparation of sublease agreement EUR 75
Preparation of a statement on the absence of debts EUR 25
Preparation of all types of statements, consents, certificates, reports and other documents at the client's request EUR 45
Preparation of statements, powers of attorney and other documents requested by the client in an expedited manner EUR 75
Production of a copy, duplicate, transcript, extract and resending the electronically signed document at the customer's request EUR 25
Verification of power of attorney EUR 15
Preparation of a power of attorney (including the preparation of a trade transfer permit) EUR 25
Preparation of documents in a foreign language upon client’s request as agreed
Final invoicing to a third party EUR 75
Sending documents by post EUR 25 + actual costs
Inspection of lease/rental object before the conclusion of the transaction4 at the client's/cooperation partners place or at AS "Citadele banka" branch5 and inspection of the object of lease/rental object during the term of the contract EUR 40 + actual costs
Preparation of debt repayment agreement EUR 50
Cancellation of the requested final invoice (if the final invoice has not been paid in full within the specified deadline) EUR 35
Invoicing to the client for any payments made in place of the leasing company's client (including penalties) EUR 25
Marking of marks in the Road Traffic Safety Directorate/State Technical Supervision Agency registry up to EUR 15
Administration of OCTA insurance6 EUR 3 monthly
  • 1 The price is indicated with VAT.
  • 2 Depending on the type of transaction.
  • 3 If the process of alienation of the lease/rental object has not been initiated.
  • 4 The commission fee for the inspection of the lease/rental object is applied regardless of whether the financing is granted and the transaction is completed. The inspection report is intended for internal use only and is not issued to the client. It is necessary to agree on the inspection possibilities in advance with the representative of the leasing company.
  • 5 For the lease/rental object with purchase price up to EUR 70 000.
  • 6 Not applicable for Citadele Factoring leasing services.