If you have forgotten your password, you can renew it remotely like this (currently only using a code card, calculator or Digipass):

1. Go to online.citadele.lv and click on "Forgot password?".

2. Enter your username and mobile phone number. Bear in mind that your phone number must match the one registered with the bank (entered into your client information). Please also bear in mind that, if your phone number has changed, and you have notified the bank remotely within the past 7 days, you will not be able to renew your password remotely

3. An SMS will be sent to your registered and entered phone number with a one-time passcode
4. Once you receive the message, enter this code into the relevant field on screen

5. Enter the requested code from the code card, calculator or Digipass.

6. Enter the SMS code again, and choose a new password.
Important! You can only change your password remotely using the online bank, it cannot be done in the app.
If you do not receive an SMS, use one of the following methods of unblocking your password, as well as to check your contact details registered with the Bank:
- contact us by calling +371 6701 0000.
- visit your nearest branch or representative abroad, bringing a form of identification (passport or ID card).
If you have not or cannot use a code card or GO3 / calculator - visit our branch with an identity document (passport or ID card), where you will be issued a new code card. However, if you have blocked your GO3 / calculator by entering an incorrect code, contact us by calling +371 6701 0000.