
How do I transfer my funds to my new level 3 pension plan?

You can request the transfer of your existing level 3 pension savings to your new chosen pension plan by submitting an order through the online bank: 

  1. log into online banking;  
  2. at the top, above the menu bar, select Correspondence With Bank; 
  3. on the left, select New Order;  
  4. an order number will appear automatically, but you must fill in the remaining fields yourself:  

* Topic: Order for pension plan change  
* Account number for authorisation: (select your current account)  
* Order text: Please transfer the capital from my level 3 pension plan CBL [current pension plan] (individual agreement number XX-XXXXXXXXXXX) to my level 3 pension plan CBL [new pension plan] (new individual agreement number XX-XXXXXXXXXXX).  

Press “Next” and authorise the order.   

We will then transfer the funds from your old agreement to your new one.

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