
How do I update Smart-ID Basic into a qualified Smart-ID version?

If you are currently using Smart-ID Basic, we suggest transitioning to a full-access Smart-ID account to ensure you can access all online services and sign documents with a secure online signature.

Video tutorial available here.

What do I need to do to update to the qualified Smart-ID version?

  1. You will have to register for a Smart-ID full-access account with biometricidentification.
  2. You must have an active Smart-ID account, or you must have access to the contact information used when you registered for Smart-ID (phone number, email address).
  3. Ensure that you have updated to the latest version of the Smart-ID app.
  4. Make sure your passport or ID card is at hand. Biometric passports and ID cards display the following symbol:
  5. Your device must support NFC technology. If your device does not support NFC, or if your camera does not work, the Smart-ID app will not be able to use the biometric method.

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