Protection of Personal data/Why are banks asking questions?

I filled in the customer questionnaire, but when I pressed Continue, the page reloaded. Why did this happen?

If the page reloads, the questionnaire was probably incomplete or filled in incorrectly. Check whether you left any questions blank, which will be marked in red. You will see a text next to the relevant field explaining the error.
The most frequent errors are:

  • you stated that your address has changed, but you did not enter your new address;
  • you selected a country in the address field, but no further information; if you do not need to update your address, then you do not need to enter a country;
  • you entered incorrect information, for example, you entered letters into the phone number field (if you do not have a home phone, leave the field blank);
  • you selected Other for your source of income, but did not enter the specifics.

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