Authorization devices

How can I increase my MobileSCAN limits without visiting a branch in person?

For us to consider increasing your MobileSCAN limits remotely, there are two things you must do: 

1. Submit an application. 
To do this, log in to the full version of online banking (through our website), and under Correspondence with Bank select Order to Bank.

Fill in the following sections: 

  • Topic: Increasing MobileSCAN limits
  • Account number for authorisation: select any of your accounts from the list
  • Order text: Fill in the text using this template: Please remotely increase my MobileSCAN limits, because … (describe the reason) 

Select Next and sign the order using a code from your authorisation device. 
You can check whether it has been successfully submitted to the bank in your Order History; you will see a “P” next to your order, which means that your application is being processed. 

2. Call the bank at +371 6701 0000 and inform the operator that you have submitted an application to increase your MobileSCAN limit.

Be ready to identify yourself over the phone. 

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